Title: That Thing
Author: NautiBitz (nautibitz.com/contact.html)
Show | Pairing | Rating: Buffy the Vampire Slayer | Spike/Buffy | NC-17/M (not for kids)
Summary: Post-'Wrecked', Buffy is trying to think un-Spike-like thoughts when a certain obscene phone caller foils her plan.
Timeline: Season 6, after 'Wrecked' and before 'Gone'.
Originally Published/Completed: December 2001/January 2002
Genres: Smut, Romance, Comedy, Awesomeness
Length: 3 chapters | 4,867 words
Awards Won: "Best PWP" and "Best Comedy/Fluff" from Love's Last Glimpse Awards, "Best Phone Sex" from the Natural Born Killers In Love Awards, and more. See 'em in all their shiny glory here.
Author's Note: This was supposed to be a one-shot. But then this thing happened...
Distribution: Links only, please. Do not reprint. Do not post translations. Thanks!
Disclaimer: Buffy, Spike and Sunnydale, et al, are property of Mutant Enemy and 20th Century Fox Film Corporation. I merely use them as pawns in my perverse fantasies, and sometimes for chores.
Rights: I do not own these characters or the worlds they inhabit. However, the text I have written is not YOURS to paste into your own fic in any way, shape or form. That is called plagiarism, and it is not cool. Not that YOU would ever do that, because YOU are awesome. Obviously. :)
Feedback: Call me?